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More and more states are legalizing cannabis for medical or recreational (or even both) use. One of the effects of this legalization is the creation of jobs. The cannabis industry is one of the fastest-growing in the United States. If you enjoy cannabis, you may have been wondering how to get into the cannabis industry. Here’s what you need to know. 

Look Inward First

Before you start searching for jobs in the cannabis industry, take a look at yourself first. Consider the things you enjoy doing and what you’re good at doing. Figure out your goals for working in the industry and what types of environments you thrive in best. Sitting down with a notebook and doing some introspection can help you figure out where you might fit in and what you have to bring to the table.


Do Some Homework

Do you dream of working for a specific cannabis company? If so, it’s time to do some homework. Take a look at the business online. Visit its website, read reviews, and learn everything you can about it. Look at the company’s core values and see how they align with yours. Check out the mission of the business and its team. The more you know about the company, the better chance you have of figuring out what you can offer if you decide to apply. 

Learn Everything You Can

You’ll want to learn everything you can about the industry itself, too. The market is always changing and evolving. Many businesses prefer hiring people who understand the industry’s current climate and regulations. Be sure to take some time to learn everything you can about terminology, news, and state and local regulations. 

Assess Your Skills

Some jobs don’t require you to have cannabis experience to get into the industry. It can help, but it’s not always a necessity. In some cases, you may have an education and background in a certain job, such as accounting, that can transfer over to the industry with little issue. 

Even so, you should see what credentials your state requires you have to get into the cannabis industry. Do you need specific licenses or certifications? How do you go about getting them?

At the same time, you should also take a close look at your current skills. While related experience can help, there are other skills that an employer may want their employees to have. For instance, an employer looking for a budtender may want someone personable and professional. Know where your strengths are and strengthen your weaknesses. 


One of the best ways to get into the cannabis industry is to get out there and start networking. Connect with businesses on LinkedIn and Leafwire. Attend in-person and virtual networking events. Don’t just go, though; make your presence known. Introduce yourself to others, ask how they got into the industry, and share your goals. You never know. You could make a connection that lands you a job in cannabis. 

Find the Perfect Job In the Cannabis Industry 

The great thing about the cannabis industry is that there are jobs for people of all skill levels. If you’re newer to cannabis and don’t have a significant amount of training, you could get in on the ground floor as a budtender or bud trimmer. Or, maybe your current skills and education can transfer over and help you secure a similar position. For instance, you may be an accountant, but you could become a cannabis accountant. By assessing your skills and nailing down what you enjoy most about cannabis, you can find the perfect job for you.